Fascia, Movement, Massage

Published on 13 August 2024 at 13:02

Did you know that massage can also be called Fascial Compression.

Did you know that healthy fascia is just as important as muscle and bone health in relation to the pain we feel and the range of motion we can exert.

"But what is it?" I hear you asking.

Let me tell you, fascia is fascia-nating!

Fascia is an elasto-collagenous complex which creates a three dimensional web in the body.

Take a look at the image below.

Our whole body is surrounded by it from our fingers and toes to our organs and cells.

It is a communication super highway, an organic intra-web, connecting cell to cell and brain to body.

The brain has billions of nerve endings, the fascia has trillions so it is way smarter.

Fascia is Intelligent, durable and tough, yet it does need care and attention to remain supple, healthy and be able to do its job efficiently.

Fascia is excitable and conductible. It contracts and expands and stretches so it’s important to give it regular movement, stretching and if possible, gentle manipulation. It also needs to be well hydrated.

Fear, worry and stress are the number one reasons for unhealthy, tight or constricted fascia and that all leads to pain, fatigue, low mood and slows down the function of our internal organs.

Consistent stretching particularly after exercise or a regular deep tissue massage will help the body in particular the fascial network stay loose and flexable.

So the next time you decide to book a massage or receive some kind of body work, know that you are keeping this incredible complex of tissues supple and healthy and every single bit of your body will thank you for it.

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